LD 1316
pg. 1
LD 1316 Title Page An Act To Enable the Town of Livermore Falls To Withdraw from Androscoggin Coun... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1929
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. Annexation. The Town of Livermore Falls is removed from
Androscoggin County and annexed to and made part of Franklin

Sec. 2. Obligations to Androscoggin County. The existing bonded
indebtedness of the Town of Livermore Falls to Androscoggin
County must be determined in a just and equitable manner by the
county commissioners of Androscoggin County and the municipal
officers of Livermore Falls upon the effective date of this Act.

Sec. 3. Obligations to Franklin County. All obligations of the Town of
Livermore Falls to Franklin County begin and must be prorated as
of the effective date of this Act.

Sec. 4. County seat. The Town of Farmington remains the county seat
of Franklin County.

Sec. 5. County commission district. Upon the removal from Androscoggin
County and the annexation to Franklin County, the Town of
Livermore Falls becomes part of Franklin County Commission
District No. 1.

Sec. 6. Referendum. This Act takes effect only for the purpose of
submitting this Act to the legal voters of the Town of Livermore
Falls at the regular town meeting in 2005 or at a special town
meeting called for the purpose within 90 days of the approval of
this Act. That special town meeting must be called, advertised
and conducted according to the law relating to municipal
elections; except that the municipal officers of the town may not
be required to prepare for posting, nor the town clerk to post, a
new list of voters and for the purpose of registration of voters
the board of voter registration must be in session on the secular
day next preceding the special election. The town clerk of the
town shall prepare the required ballots, on which the clerk shall
reduce the subject matter of this Act to the following question:

"Do you favor the removal of the Town of Livermore Falls
from Androscoggin County and its annexation to Franklin

The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed
against the word "Yes" or "No" their opinion of the same.

If the question is accepted by a majority of the legal voters
voting at the town meeting called for the purpose of approving
this Act; and if the total number of votes cast for and

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