LD 1281
pg. 1
LD 1281 Title Page An Act To Ensure That Direct Initiatives Have Local Support LD 1281 Title Page
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LR 788
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §901, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__Time limit.__The Secretary of State may not accept an
application for a petition under this section that addresses the
same issue as a petition that was verified and certified under
section 902 as a ballot question and considered by the voters in
a general or statewide election within the previous 5 years.

Sec. 2. 21-A MRSA §903-A, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 92, §1, is
amended to read:

Petitions A petition issued under this chapter may be
circulated only by any registered a voter registered in the

Sec. 3. 21-A MRSA §1064 is enacted to read:

§1064.__Out-of-state contributions

A political action committee in a campaign on a ballot
question under chapter 11 may not receive contributions from
contributors outside of the State.


This bill:

1. Allows a petition on an initiated ballot question to be
submitted only once every 5 years;

2. Clarifies that only registered Maine voters may collect
signatures for an initiated petition on a ballot question; and

3. Prohibits political action committees from accepting out-
of-state contributions for campaigns on initiated ballot

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