LD 1279
pg. 1
LD 1279 Title Page Resolve, To Study Improving the Affordability and Predictability of College Tui... LD 1279 Title Page
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LR 771
Item 1

Sec. 1. University of Maine System to study tuition charges for resident students.
Resolved: That the University of Maine System shall study the
feasibility of freezing tuition at the amount charged for the
first year for a resident student who first enrolls as an
undergraduate student for the 3 following consecutive years,
unless the student enrolls in a 5-year degree program, in which
case for the 4 following consecutive years. The study must
consider exemptions from the consecutive-year requirement for a
student who must leave the University of Maine System for up to 2
years for reasons including military obligations or a family
crisis. The study must also consider the establishment of a
committee on each campus of the University of Maine System to
determine whether a student meets the requirements of an
exception considered by the study and whether the committee
should have discretion in granting exceptions on a case-by-case
basis outside of the exceptions recommended by the study; and be
it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the University of Maine System shall
submit a report no later than December 7, 2005 that includes its
findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation, to
the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs.
After receipt and review of the report, the Joint Standing
Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs may report out a bill
to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.


This resolve directs the University of Maine System to study
the feasibility of freezing tuition for newly enrolled resident
undergraduate students at the amount of tuition charged for the
first year for those students. The resolve also directs the
University of Maine System to study exceptions to the
consecutive-year requirement and the establishment of a committee
at each university campus to determine whether a student meets
the requirements of an exception to the consecutive-year

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