LD 1258
pg. 1
LD 1258 Title Page An Act To Provide for Department of Labor Services and Other Services in Unorga... LD 1258 Title Page
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LR 1634
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §685-F is enacted to read:

§685-F.__Funding for services provided to the unorganized


Beginning with the 2005-06 fiscal year, notwithstanding any
law to the contrary, the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services shall assess every landowner in the
unorganized territory a fee equal to .01% of the most recent
equalized state valuation established by the State Tax Assessor
for that landowner's real property. The State Tax Assessor shall
issue a bill to each such landowner no later than March 1st of
each year. The bill is payable on demand. Interest charges on
unpaid fees begin on June 30th of each year and are compounded
monthly at the interest rate for unpaid property tax as
established by the State Tax Assessor for the unorganized
territory. These fees must be deposited into the General Fund and
used to offset the costs of providing services in the unorganized
territory, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, fire
protection, game warden services and services provided by
Department of Labor personnel.


This bill assesses landowners in the unorganized territory a
fee equal to .01% of equalized state valuation for the
landowners' property. The revenue from the fee is used to offset
the cost of providing services, such as police and fire
protection, game warden services and services provided by
Department of Labor personnel, to the unorganized territory.

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