LD 1247
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Modify Labor Laws with Regard to Minor Workers Page 3 of 3
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LR 1680
Item 1

no average grade for any class below a C- or an equivalent
grade, except that the minor may work up to 8 hours on the
last scheduled day of the school week;

F. After 10 11:30 p.m. on a day preceding a day on which
the minor's school is in session or after 12 midnight on a
day that does not precede such a school day; or

Sec. 3. 26 MRSA §774, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1991, c. 713, §2, is
further amended to read:

3. Employment during hours school in session. A minor under
17 years of age may not be employed during the hours that the
public schools of the town or city in which the minor resides are
in session.

A. This subsection does not apply to:

(1) A minor who has been excused from attendance by
school officials in accordance with Title 20-A, section
5001-A, subsection 2 or subsection 3, except that a
minor who has been excused in accordance with
subsection 3 may not be employed during the hours that
the minor's school or approved home instruction program
is in session;

(2) A student in an alternative education plan that
includes a work experience component;

(3) A student in an approved vocational cooperative
education program; or

(4) A student who is granted permission for an early
school release by the school principal.

The hours worked by a student in an alternative education plan
or in an approved vocational cooperative education program may
not be included in determining the student's total hours of
permitted employment under subsection 1 and subsection 2.

Sec. 4. 26 MRSA §774, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Restricted work schedule.__A minor under 18 years of age
who is enrolled in public or private secondary school who has an
overall grade average below C or an equivalent grade or an
average grade in any class below C- or an equivalent grade may
not work more than 20 hours in any week when the minor's school
is in session and may work only during the hours between 3:00
p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in any day when the minor's school is in
session.__A public or private secondary school shall inform a

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