LD 1241
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Ensure Public Accountability in the Delivery of Higher Education Serv... Page 3 of 3
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LR 728
Item 1

plan," unless the trustees submit the restructuring plan to the
Legislature for review in accordance with this section.

1.__Submission.__The trustees shall submit the restructuring
plan to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education matters together with any other
information that the committee may require.

2. Review; legislation.__The joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters shall
review the restructuring plan and may report out legislation
approving or disapproving the restructuring plan.__The review of
the restructuring plan must be conducted as follows.

A.__After the submission of a restructuring plan in
accordance with subsection 1, the Legislature, through the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education matters, shall conduct a review
and evaluation of the submitted material and conduct on-site
visits as necessary to complete the review.

B.__The committee review of the restructuring plan shall
address the following issues:

(1)__Access and affordability for eligible students,
including financial access and geographic access;

(2)__Community and economic development, including the
impact of social, economic and cultural resources on
the communities surrounding each institution within the

(3)__Enrollment management, including the capacity of
other public postsecondary institutions in the State to
meet the demand for increased enrollment;

(4)__Identified savings and potential increased costs
for plan implementation; and

(5)__Quality and scope of academic programs, including
the elimination of existing programs and the
establishment of new programs.

The committee may add additional issues or areas to be
addressed should the addition of such issues be useful in
providing the Legislature with an overview of the
implications of the restructuring plan or the operation of
the university.

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