LD 1239
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Promote Clean Elections in Maine LD 1239 Title Page
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LR 1720
Item 1

Legislature receives $1,000 for a candidate for State Senator and
$3,000 for a candidate for State Representative. A Maine Clean
Election Act candidate who receives funds to campaign for a
leadership position may not accept or expend any other funds for
that election. This bill prohibits a Maine Clean Election Act
candidate for State Senator or State Representative from serving as
an officer or having control over a political action committee that
contributes to a campaign in the State. This bill also requires
candidates for leadership positions to register with the Commission
on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices within 3 days of
becoming a candidate for the leadership position and to submit
reports to the commission as required by rules adopted by the

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