LD 1229
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Strengthen the Enforcement of Divorce Decrees LD 1229 Title Page
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LR 799
Item 1

less than the majority of the time by any one or any combination of
the following methods:

A. Mediation, both voluntary and mandatory;

B. Family counseling;

C. Parental education;

D. Developing parenting plans;

E. Establishing parenting time enforcement procedures,
including monitored parenting time, supervised parenting
time and designated neutral locations for transfer;

F. Parenting time guidelines; and

G. Alternative arrangements with respect to parental

2. Statewide or pilot project. The parenting time
enforcement program, if developed, may be operated on a statewide
basis or on a representative pilot basis.

3. Funds. The agency shall seek federal and other funds to
carry out the development, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of the program.

4. Monitor, evaluate and report. The state agency shall
monitor, evaluate and report on the parenting time enforcement
program. The agency shall submit a report on the parenting time
enforcement program to the Governor, the Legislative Council and
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over judiciary matters by January 15, 2007.


This bill enhances the sanctions available for violations of
parental rights and responsibilities orders, particularly
concerning contact between the child and the parent who does not
provide the primary residence of the child.

This bill also directs the Governor to designate an
appropriate state agency to develop a parenting time enforcement
program. The language is modeled on a similar program in
Colorado. The agency is authorized to seek other funding,
including federal grants, to develop, implement, monitor and
evaluate the program.

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