LD 1193
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Ensure Equal... LD 1193 Title Page
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LR 1757
Item 1

12 years of age spending more than 2 hours a day on a school
bus or a child 12 years of age or older spending more than 3
hours a day on a school bus although the State may adjust the
state funding to the school to account for the small size of a

The legal voters of each city, town and plantation shall vote
by ballot on this question and designate their choice by a cross
or check mark placed within the corresponding square below the
word "Yes" or "No." The ballots must be received, sorted,
counted and declared in open ward, town and plantation meetings
and returns made to the Secretary of State in the same manner as
votes for members of the Legislature. The Governor shall review
the returns and, if it appears that a majority of the legal votes
are cast in favor of the amendment, the Governor shall proclaim
that fact without delay and the amendment becomes part of the
Constitution of Maine on the date of the proclamation; and be it

Secretary of State shall prepare ballots. Resolved: That the Secretary of
State shall prepare and furnish to each city, town and plantation
all ballots, returns and copies of this resolution necessary to
carry out the purposes of this referendum.


This resolution expands on the education provisions currently
in the Constitution of Maine to guarantee that if the State
undertakes to support local schools it must do so in a way that
equalizes opportunity for all children whether they live in
service center communities or in rural areas.

It also prevents the State from taking any steps that will
lead to the closure of isolated schools if the closure will force
children under 12 years of age to spend more than 2 hours on a
school bus or children 12 years of age or over to spend more than
3 hours on a bus.

It also guarantees every municipality the freedom to decide
how its schools will be organized and permits the State to adjust
its aid to account for any inefficiencies that result from those
local decisions.

It also makes clear that these rights extend to and are
enforceable by every Maine taxpayer.

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