LD 1172
pg. 1
LD 1172 Title Page An Act To Expunge Criminal Records upon Pardon LD 1172 Title Page
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LR 862
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 15 MRSA §2167, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 665, §1, is
amended to read:

§2167. Expungement of records

In any criminal case in which the Governor grants a convicted
person a full and free pardon, that person, after the expiration
of 10 years from the date the person is finally discharged from
any sentence imposed as a result of the conviction, may make
written application to the Department of Public Safety, State
Bureau of Identification to have and any other state agency shall
expunge all references to the pardoned crime deleted from the
Federal Bureau of Investigation's identification record all state
records. Following receipt of an application, the The State
Bureau of Investigation Identification shall make the necessary
arrangements with the identification division of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation to have all references to the pardoned
crime deleted from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's
identification record and any state materials returned to the
contributing agency if the application is timely and the person
has not been convicted of a crime in this State or any other
jurisdiction since the full and free pardon was granted and has
no formal charging instrument for a crime pending in this State
or any other jurisdiction.


This bill requires the Department of Public Safety, State
Bureau of Identification and all other state agencies to expunge
all records of a crime of a person who has received a full and
free pardon by the Governor. This bill also requires the State
Bureau of Identification to make the necessary arrangements with
the identification division of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation to have all references to the pardoned crime
deleted from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's identification
record and any state materials returned to the contributing

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