LD 1167
pg. 8
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LR 1797
Item 1

(2)__The signature of each owner of the prescription
drug and each wholesale distributor who does not take
title to the prescription drug;

(3)__The name and address of each location from which
the prescription drug was shipped, if different from
the owner's name and address;

(4)__The transaction dates; and

(5)__Certification that each recipient in the chain of
distribution has authenticated the pedigree.

4. Records.__A purchaser or wholesale distributor of a
prescription drug must maintain the pedigree for that drug for 3
years and make the pedigree available for inspection or removal
upon request of an authorized law enforcement officer.


1. Order to cease distribution of prescription drug.__The
board may order a manufacturer, wholesale distributor or retailer
to immediately cease distribution of a prescription drug if the
board finds that there is a reasonable probability that:

A.__A wholesale distributor of the prescription drug has:

(1)__Knowingly violated a provision of this subchapter;

(2)__Falsified a pedigree or knowingly sold,
distributed, transferred, manufactured, repackaged,
handled or held a counterfeit prescription drug
intended for human use;

B.__The prescription drug could cause serious, adverse
health consequences or death; and

C.__Other measures to protect the public health, safety or
welfare would result in unreasonable delay.

2. Hearing.__An order under subsection 1 must provide to the
person subject to the order an opportunity for an informal
hearing on the actions required by the order no later than 10
days after the date of the order.__After a hearing held under
this subsection, if the board determines that inadequate grounds
exist to support the actions required by the order, the board
must vacate the order.

§13847.__Prohibited acts

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