LD 1167
pg. 1
LD 1167 Title Page An Act To Ensure the Health and Safety of All Maine Citizens by Licensing Drug ... Page 2 of 10
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LR 1797
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA c. 117, sub-c. 13 is enacted to read:




§13841.__Short title

This subchapter may be known and cited as "the Wholesale
Licensure and Prescription Medication Integrity Act."


As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1. Authenticate.__"Authenticate" means to affirmatively verify
before distribution of a prescription drug that each transaction
listed on the pedigree has occurred.

2. Facility.__"Facility" means a facility of a wholesale drug
distributor where prescription drugs are stored, handled,
repackaged or offered for sale.

3. Normal distribution chain.__"Normal distribution chain"
means a chain of custody for a prescription drug that goes from a
manufacturer to a wholesaler to a pharmacy to a consumer.

4. Pedigree.__"Pedigree" means a document or electronic file
containing information that records each distribution of a
prescription drug, from sale by a manufacturer through
acquisition and sale by a drug wholesaler, distributor or
repackager until final sale to a pharmacy or other person
dispensing or administering the prescription drug.

5. Prescription drug.__"Prescription drug" means a drug,
including a biological product, required by federal law or
regulation to be dispensed by a prescription, including finished
dosage forms and bulk drug substances subject to the Federal
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 United States Code, Section
503(b).__"Prescription drug" does not include blood or blood
components intended for transfusion or biological products that
are medical devices.

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