LD 1159
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Promote Transportation Investments within Downtowns and Urban Compact... LD 1159 Title Page
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LR 1660
Item 1

to apply funds required to be expended by the developer as a
condition of a traffic movement permit to match federal funds and
finance debt to support advance construction as long as the
department uses those funds to complete a project that includes the
improvements the developer is required to make under the traffic
movement permit. The department would also be authorized to apply
the proceeds of tax increment financing derived from the
development project to match federal funds or support debt to
finance the cost of advance construction.

3. It would provide a process for municipalities to build
roads without federal or state financial participation that could
be purchased by the State or assumed for maintenance
responsibilities if the road meets state design standards and
criteria for classification as a major collector or arterial

4. It would provide a new structure for assessing traffic
impact fees on a regional basis that would be expended to address
deficiencies inside growth management areas, urban compacts or
downtowns caused in part by through traffic generated on a
regional basis.

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