LD 1149
pg. 1
LD 1149 Title Page Resolve, To Review the Responsibilities of the Board of Environmental Protectio... LD 1149 Title Page
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Item 1

Whereas, the Board of Environmental Protection was created by
the Legislature to provide informed, independent and timely
decisions on the interpretation, administration and enforcement
of the laws relating to environmental protection and to provide
for credible, fair and responsible public participation in
decisions of the Department of Environmental Protection; and

Whereas, the Board of Environmental Protection is a citizen
board whose members are not compensated for their time, and it is
the intent of the Legislature that the board remain a citizen
board; and

Whereas, environmental laws, rules and policies have become
increasingly complex and the amount of work required of the Board
of Environmental Protection has grown with this increasing
complexity; now, therefore, be it

Sec. 1. Board of Environmental Protection review. Resolved: That the Board
of Environmental Protection shall review and assess its
responsibilities and duties as established by the Legislature in
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section 341-D. The board
may include in its review and assessment a review of specific
programs or program functions it believes would be more
appropriately handled by another entity. In conducting its
review, the board shall seek comment from former board members,
the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, the regulated
community and the public; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Board of Environmental Protection
shall report its findings and recommendations, including any
recommended changes to the board's responsibilities and duties or
to any aspect of the implementation of those responsibilities and
duties, to the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources by
January 15, 2006. The board shall include in its report any
proposed legislation necessary to implement its recommendations;
and be it further

Sec. 3. Staff support. Resolved: That the Board of Environmental
Protection's executive analyst and administrative assistant shall
provide staff support for the review within the board's current
operating budget.


This resolve directs the Board of Environmental Protection to
review its responsibilities as set forth in statute and to report
back to the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources on any
recommended changes by January 15, 2006.

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