LD 1144
pg. 1
LD 1144 Title Page Resolve, Directing the Maine State Retirement System To Develop a Proposal To P... LD 1144 Title Page
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LR 1838
Item 1

Sec. 1. State to pay percentage of increase. Resolved: That, with respect to
retired state employees who are eligible for Medicare and who
must enroll in that program and pay the Part B premium, the Maine
State Retirement System shall develop a proposal under which the
State contributes a percentage of the increase in that premium;
and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Maine State Retirement System
shall submit its proposal pursuant to section 1, along with any
necessary implementing legislation, to the Joint Standing
Committee on Labor no later than November 2, 2005. Following its
receipt and review of the report, the committee may report out a
bill to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.


This resolve directs the Maine State Retirement System to
develop a proposal to provide relief for retired state employees.

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