LD 1136
pg. 1
LD 1136 Title Page An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Legislative Youth Advisory Counc... LD 1136 Title Page
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LR 2222
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §4067 is enacted to read:

§4067. Permission for participation in school activities

The department shall develop and disseminate a standard form
to be used by school administrative units to authorize
participation by children in the custody of the department in
school athletics, field trips and other extracurricular
activities.__This form must be signed once each year by a
representative of the department following the enrollment of the
child in a school and forwarded to the school administrative unit
attended by the child. This form provides the necessary legal
permission for the child to participate in such activities.__A
child in the custody of the department must secure the signature
of a caretaker on permission slips for specific activities as do
other students in order to ensure notice to the caretaker of the
child's participation in those activities.


This bill is submitted by the Legislative Youth Advisory
Council. It directs the Department of Health and Human Services
to develop a standard form to be used to indicate approval by the
department for children in the custody of the department to
participate in school sports, field trips and other
extracurricular activities.

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