LD 1126
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Encourage the Purchase of Meat Produced without Nontherapeutic Antibi... LD 1126 Title Page
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LR 922
Item 1

submits an affidavit to the purchaser stating that the chicken
products being supplied to the state or school purchaser have
been produced without the use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics;

B.__Notwithstanding any other provision of law and assuming
reasonable similarity in quality, quantity, availability and
price with other chicken products offered for sale, a state
or school purchaser shall purchase chicken products only
from a broker or wholesaler who annually submits an
affidavit to the purchaser stating that the chicken products
being supplied to the state or school purchaser have been
produced without nontherapeutic use of antibiotics used in
human medicine.

3.__Preference in purchasing turkey products. Notwithstanding
any other provision of law and assuming reasonable similarity in
quality, quantity, availability and price with other turkey
products offered for sale, a state or school purchaser shall
purchase turkey products only from a broker or wholesaler who
annually submits an affidavit to the purchaser stating that the
turkey products being supplied to the state or school purchaser
have been produced without the use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics
and nontherapeutic use of antibiotics used in human medicine.

4.__ Preference in purchasing beef and pork products.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law and assuming
reasonable similarity in quality, quantity, availability and
price with other beef or pork products offered for sale, state or
school purchasers shall purchase beef and pork products only from
a broker or wholesaler who annually submit an affidavit to the
purchaser stating that beef and pork products being supplied to
the state or school purchaser have been produced without
nontherapeutic use of antibiotics used in human medicine.

5.__Encourage minimal use.__State or school purchasers shall
work with Maine food producers and brokers and wholesalers to
encourage minimal use for any purpose of antibiotics in animals
raised for food to be consumed by humans.


This bill inserts a policy statement in Maine statutes to
discourage the nontherapeutic use of antibiotics in animals
raised for food. It requires persons purchasing meat for Maine
state institutions and Maine schools to notify brokers or
wholesalers of this policy and to give preference in buying to
those who can supply meat from animals that have not been given
antibiotics for other than therapeutic reasons.

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