LD 1122
pg. 1
LD 1122 Title Page Resolve, To Establish the Wabanaki Trail LD 1122 Title Page
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LR 2218
Item 1

Sec. 1. Task force established to develop Wabanaki Trial. Resolved: That the
Department of Economic and Community Development and its Office
of Tourism, the Department of Transportation and the University
of Maine System in conjunction with the Penobscot Nation shall
constitute a task force, referred to in this resolve as "the task
force," to jointly develop the Wabanaki Trail. The task force
shall designate roads, routes and points of interest, create
signage and create maps that include old canoe trails on
waterways. In developing the Wabanaki Trail, the task force
shall consult the pamphlet "A Wabanaki Guide to Maine" published
by the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance; and be it further

Sec. 2. Rules. Resolved: That the Department of Transportation may
adopt rules to carry out the purposes of section 1. Rules
adopted pursuant to this section are minor technical rules
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A; and be it further

Sec. 3. Report. Resolved: That the task force shall report to the
Joint Standing Committee on Transportation on its progress in
developing the Wabanaki Trail and any recommended legislation no
later than December 7, 2005. After receipt and review of the
report, the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation may report
out a bill to the Second Regular Session of the 122nd


This resolve establishes a task force consisting of the
Department of Economic and Community Development and its Office
of Tourism, the Department of Transportation and the University
of Maine System in conjunction with the Penobscot Nation to
jointly develop the Wabanaki Trail, including designating roads,
routes and points of interest, creating signage and creating maps
that include old canoe trails on waterways. The resolve directs
the task force to consult the pamphlet "A Wabanaki Guide to
Maine," published by the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance, as
part of the development of the Wabanaki Trail.

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