LD 1119
pg. 1
LD 1119 Title Page Resolve, To Examine Driver's License Fees BY REQUEST LD 1119 Title Page
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LR 1284
Item 1

Sec. 1. Driver's license fees examined. Resolved: That the Secretary of
State shall examine the driver's license fee schedule and
consider whether the fees should be increased or remain at the
current level, whether the time period in which a driver's
license is valid should be reduced and how the fees charged in
this State compare to fees charged in other states; and be it

Sec. 2. Fee changes. Resolved: That the Secretary of State shall
adjust driver's license fees and time periods in which licenses
are valid if the secretary's examination finds that this State's
fees and time periods are not comparable with the levels and time
periods in other states.


This resolve directs the Secretary of State to examine
driver's license fees in this State and the time periods in which
a license is valid and compare it to other states. If the
secretary's examination finds that the levels and time periods
are not comparable to the levels and time periods in other
states, the secretary is authorized to make adjustments.

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