LD 1110
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Alleviate Overcrowding in Public Schools LD 1110 Title Page
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LR 1561
Item 1

total premiums spent for long-term care insurance policies
certified under Title 24-A, section 5075-A as long as the
amount subtracted is reduced by the long-term care premiums
claimed as an itemized deduction pursuant to section 5125.

For income tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2004,
an amount equal to the total premiums spent for qualified
long-term care insurance contracts certified under Title 24-
A, section 5075-A, as long as the amount subtracted is
reduced by any amount claimed as a deduction for federal
income tax purposes in accordance with the Code, Section
162(l) and by the long-term care premiums claimed as an
itemized deduction pursuant to section 5125.; and

Sec. 5. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§2, ķU is enacted to read:

U.__For income tax years beginning on or after January 1,
2005, an amount equal to costs incurred by a resident to
send a child to a school outside of the municipality in
which the resident lives pursuant to Title 20-A, chapter
310.__If a resident is issued a tax credit pursuant to
section 343, the amount of that credit must be deducted from
the amount claimed under this paragraph.


Current law allows a resident of a municipality to send a
child to a school outside that municipality; the costs of doing
so are borne by the resident.

This bill allows a resident whose child attends an overcrowded
school to send that child to another public or private school and
seek a property tax credit from the municipality in which the
resident lives. The amount of the property tax credit is
determined by the municipality. This bill also provides an
income modification to that resident. The amount of the
modification is limited to the difference between the actual cost
and the amount of the property tax credit issued by a
municipality to the resident.

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