LD 1089
pg. 1
LD 1089 Title Page Resolve, To Establish a North Woods Park Feasibility Study BY REQUEST LD 1089 Title Page
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LR 1054
Item 1

Sec. 1. Study establishment of North Woods Park. Resolved: That the
Department of Economic and Community Development, Office of
Tourism shall study the feasibility of establishing the North
Woods Park, a state park adjacent to Baxter State Park. The
study must include an assessment of the impact on natural
resources in the area and on the economy in the region of the
proposed park. The office shall determine what land is available
in the area for the park and the cost of purchasing or otherwise
acquiring such land, including through donations and grants. The
office shall submit a report to the Second Regular Session of the
122nd Legislature by January 15, 2006, including any necessary
implementing legislation.


This resolve requires the Department of Economic and Community
Development, Office of Tourism to study the feasibility of
establishing the North Woods Park, a state park located adjacent
to Baxter State Park.

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