LD 1053
pg. 1
LD 1053 Title Page An Act To Protect Maine Harness Racing from Illegal Wagering LD 1053 Title Page
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LR 1361
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 8 MRSA §300-A is enacted to read:

§300-A. Illegal wagering

1.__Illegal wagering.__A person may not solicit or accept a
bet concerning harness racing in the State by any means unless
licensed under this chapter.

2.__Right of action.__A licensee under section 271 may bring
an action against a person or entity engaged in a violation of
subsection 1.__The court must award damages for a successful
action brought under this subsection in an amount equaling 20% of
the monetary amount of illegal wagers proved, plus reasonable
costs of collection and attorney's fees.

3.__Distribution of damages.__For an action brought under
subsection 2, the plaintiff receives any reasonable costs of
collection and attorney's fees awarded and the commission
receives all other damages awarded.__The commission shall
distribute any damages received under this subsection equally
between the Fund to Encourage Racing at Maine's Commercial Tracks
under section 299 and the Fund to Stabilize Off-track Betting
Facilities under section 300.


This bill makes it illegal to accept or solicit a bet
concerning harness racing in the State by any means without a
license from the State Harness Racing Commission. This bill
allows a private right of action to any licensed commercial
racetrack in the State against anyone conducting illegal wagering
on harness racing in the State, with damages set at 20% of the
monetary amount of the illegal wagering proved plus reasonable
costs of collection and attorney's fees. In a private action
allowed under this bill, the racetrack receives the reasonable
costs of collection and attorney's fees and the commission
receives the rest of the damages, which it is directed to deposit
equally into the Fund to Encourage Racing at Maine's Commercial
Tracks and the Fund to Stabilize Off-track Betting Facilities.

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