LD 1024
pg. 1
LD 1024 Title Page An Act To Make Safer Schools LD 1024 Title Page
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LR 1026
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §6554 is enacted to read:

§6554.__Threatening or violent behavior

A student in a public school who engages in threatening or
violent behavior against another student or a staff member or
other school personnel must be suspended for a period of up to
one year.__As used in this section, "threatening or violent
behavior" means intentionally or knowingly placing another person
in fear of imminent bodily injury or intentionally, knowingly or
recklessly causing bodily injury or offensive physical contact to
another person.

The penalties imposed pursuant to this section are in addition
to any other civil or criminal penalty to which a student may be

A school board shall adopt a written policy that prohibits
threatening or violent behavior by students and shall clearly set
forth the policy and penalties adopted and distribute copies of
the policy and penalties to the parents or guardians of students
enrolled in the school administrative unit.


This bill allows a school board to suspend a student for up to
one year if the student engages in threatening or violent
behavior against another student or a staff member or other
school personnel. Each public school board is required to
establish a written policy and penalties and to provide a copy of
the policy and penalties to all students.

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