LD 1021
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Implement Task Force Recommendations Relating to Parity and Portabili... Page 6 of 6
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LR 263
Item 1


This bill is the unanimous recommendation of the Task Force to
Study Parity and Portability of Retirement Benefits for State Law
Enforcement Officers, Municipal and County Law Enforcement
Officers and Firefighters.

Part A creates a state subsidy for the cost of retiree health
insurance for municipal and county law enforcement officers and
firefighters who retire from certain Maine State Retirement
System retirement plans. To pay for the subsidy, the bill
creates a dedicated account funded from 2 sources: a 0.50%
premium tax on certain types of property and casualty insurance
policies, including homeowners insurance and commercial and
personal car insurance, and a contribution of 1.5% of
compensation from active municipal and county law enforcement
officers and firefighters who participate in certain retirement
plans and are likely to be eligible for the subsidy upon
retirement. Officers and firefighters are eligible for the
subsidy only if they have retired from a Maine State Retirement
System retirement plan that provides for retirement after 25
years of service, with a benefit of at least 50% of average final
compensation and a cost-of-living adjustment, or a better Maine
State Retirement System retirement plan. The bill requires the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services to report on
revenue and funding of the subsidy to the Legislature in 2011.
It also requires the Bureau of Insurance in the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation to submit a report to the
Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature setting forth
options for collecting contributions toward the cost of the
retiree health insurance from businesses that do not purchase
insurance for the types of property and casualty risks described
in the bill.

Part B allows state, county and municipal law enforcement
officers and firefighters who change employers to purchase
portability of their retirement benefits, if they are changing
retirement plans and the plan to which they are moving does not
provide portability. Portability would allow a person to count
all or a portion of years of service from an earlier retirement
plan when calculating a benefit or meeting the years-of-service
requirement in a later retirement plan, and to count compensation
from all years of service in determining average final
compensation, one of the factors in calculating a retirement
benefit. This provision would apply only to persons moving among
the types of Maine State Retirement System retirement plans
described above.

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