LD 1020
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Page 11 of 18 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Stimulate Economic Growth and ... Page 13 of 18
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LR 2244
Item 1

land necessary for the start-up of a new agricultural enterprise
may not exceed $100,000.

5.__Loans for aquacultural enterprises. When considering loans
for aquacultural enterprises, the commissioner may consult with
the Department of Marine Resources.

6.__ Conditions prescribed by rules.__An agricultural
marketing loan is subject to other terms and conditions
prescribed by rule in accordance with section 437.

Sec. C-5. 7 MRSA §437, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 658, §1, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:


The commissioner shall adopt rules to implement this
subchapter. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-
A.__The rules must include provisions to ensure that use of the
fund for the purchase of a building that was financed under the
Potato Marketing Improvement Fund is consistent with the purposes
of this subchapter.

The commissioner may establish, by rule, terms and conditions
for loans made under this subchapter, including, but not limited
to, a mechanism for reserving funds for or giving priority to
projects for agricultural enterprises or in areas of the State
determined by the commissioner to require special assistance.

Sec. C-6. 10 MRSA §1023-J, as amended by PL 2003, c. 578, §8, is
further amended to read:

§1023-J. Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund

The Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund, referred to in this
section as the "fund," is created. The fund must be deposited
with and maintained by the Finance Authority of Maine. The fund
must be administered by the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources in accordance with Title 7, chapter 101,
subchapter 1-D. All money received by the Finance Authority of
Maine from any source for the development and implementation of
an improved agricultural marketing loan program must be credited
to the fund. Any money credited to the fund from the issuance of
bonds on behalf of the State for financing loans for agricultural
enterprises may be used only for the following purposes: to
provide assistance to agricultural enterprises in this State for
the design, construction or improvement of commodity and storage
buildings and packing and marketing facilities; for the purchase,

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