LD 1019
pg. 1
LD 1019 Title Page An Act To Increase the Tax Imposed on Lodging Page 2 of 2
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LR 1280
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §5686 is enacted to read:

§5686.__Revenue sharing of lodging taxes

1.__Lodging Tax Relief Fund established.__There is established
the Lodging Tax Relief Fund, referred to in this section as "the
fund," for the purpose of returning a portion of the revenue
generated by lodging taxes to the municipalities in which those
taxes were collected.__As used in this section, "lodging tax"
means the tax imposed pursuant to Title 36, section 1811 on the
value of rental of living quarters in any hotel, rooming house or
tourist or trailer camp.

2.__Amount of transfer; duties of Executive Director of Bureau
of Revenue Services.__Beginning October 1, 2005, on the last day
of each month, the Executive Director of the Bureau of Revenue
Services within the Department of Administrative and Finanical
Services shall transfer to the fund an amount equal to 30% of the
receipts from the lodging tax credited to the General Fund.__
Beginning November 2005, on the 27th day of each month, the
executive director shall distribute the balance in the fund to
the municipalities based on the information provided by the State
Tax Assessor pursuant to subsection 3.

3.__Duties of State Tax Assessor.__Beginning November 2005, by
the 25th day of each month, the State Tax Assessor shall
calculate the amount of the lodging tax collected in each
municipality and the amount to be returned to each municipality
pursuant to subsection 2 and provide the calculation to the
Executive Director of the Bureau of Revenue Services within the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services.

4.__Plantation and unorganized territory.__For purposes of
this section, plantations and the unorganized territory are
treated as if they were municipalities.

5.__Indian territory.__For purposes of this section, the
Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Penobscot Nation Indian territories
are treated as if they were municipalities.

Sec. 2. 36 MRSA §1811, first ¶, as amended by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt.
TTTT, §2 and affected by §3, is further amended to read:

A tax is imposed on the value of all tangible personal
property and taxable services sold at retail in this State. The
rate of tax is 7% on the value of liquor sold in licensed
establishments as defined in Title 28-A, section 2, subsection
15, in accordance with Title 28-A, chapter 43; 7% 10% on the
value of rental of living quarters in any hotel, rooming house or
tourist or trailer camp; 10% on the value of rental for a period

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