LD 1012
pg. 1
LD 1012 Title Page An Act To Improve Security at State Courthouses LD 1012 Title Page
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LR 1642
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 4 MRSA §58 is enacted to read:

§58.__Courthouse Security Fund

1.__Creation of fund.__The Courthouse Security Fund, referred
to in this section as "the fund," is created under the
jurisdiction and control of the Supreme Judicial Court.

2.__Source of fund.__The fund consists of:

A.__Funds collected pursuant to Title 36, section 1811-C
from the sale of firearms and ammunition; and

B.__All money appropriated or allocated for inclusion in the
fund, from whatever source.

3. Application of fund.__Money in the fund may be used to
improve security and improve public safety at court facilities
under the control of the State or a subdivision of the State.__
Money in the fund not needed to meet the requirements of this
subsection may accrue interest and be invested in a manner
permitted by law.

4. Revolving fund. The fund is a nonlapsing, revolving fund.

Sec. 2. 36 MRSA §1811-C is enacted to read:

§1811-C.__Firearm tax

In addition to the tax imposed pursuant to section 1811, a tax
is imposed at the rate of 7% on the value of firearms and firearm
ammunition sold by a licensed firearm dealer.__For purposes of
this section, "firearm" has the same meaning as in Title 17-A,
section 2, subsection 12-A and "firearm dealer" means a person
who is licensed as a dealer under 18 United States Code, Section
923 or who is required to be licensed as a dealer under that
section.__Revenue generated by this section must be allocated to
the Courthouse Security Fund created in Title 4, section 58 for
the purposes specified in that section.


This bill creates the Courthouse Security Fund to be used to
improve security and public safety at Maine court facilities.
Revenue for the fund is generated by an additional sales tax of
7% on the sale of firearms and ammunition for firearms sold by
licensed firearm dealers.

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