LD 1006
pg. 1
LD 1006 Title Page An Act To Modify Joint and Several Liability LD 1006 Title Page
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LR 264
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §222 is enacted to read:

§222.__Liability among defendants

1.__Joint and several liability.__In an action involving more
than one defendant when 2 or more defendants as part of a common
enterprise or plan act in concert and cause harm, the liability
of each defendant for all damages is joint and several.

2.__Several, not joint liability.__In any action involving
more than one defendant not governed by subsection 1, the
liability of each defendant is several only and is not joint.__
Each defendant is liable only for the amount of damages allocated
to that defendant in direct proportion to that defendant's
percentage of negligence, and a separate judgment must be
rendered against that defendant for that amount.

3.__Application. This section does not affect joint and
several liability that is explicitly established elsewhere by


This bill modifies joint and several liability among
defendants. If 2 or more defendants act in concert to cause harm
as part of a common enterprise or plan, their liability for the
harm is joint and several. In all other cases, liability is
several, not joint. This change in the law does not apply to
joint and several liability that is explicitly established
elsewhere by statute.

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