LD 982
pg. 17
Page 16 of 22 An Act To Revise the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer District Page 18 of 22
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LR 818
Item 1

interested in the real estate, the court shall order further notice
of the action as appears proper and shall allow the other person to
become party to the action. If it appears upon trial of the action
that the assessment was legally made against the real estate and is
unpaid and that there is an existing lien on the real estate for
the payment of the assessment, judgment is rendered for the
assessment, interest and costs of suit against the defendants and
against the real estate upon which the assessment was made.
Execution must issue on the real estate to be enforced by sale of
the real estate in the manner provided for a sale on execution of
real estate attached on original process. In making the sale, the
officer shall follow the procedure in selling and conveying and the
same rights of redemption apply as provided in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 36, section 941.

Sec. 21. Civil action for unpaid assessments. If an assessment is not paid
and the district does not proceed to collect unpaid assessments
by proceedings as prescribed in section 20 or does not collect or
is in any manner delayed or defeated in collecting the
assessments by the proceedings, then the district in its name may
maintain a civil action against the party so assessed for the
amount of the assessment as for money paid, laid out and expended
in any court of competent jurisdiction. The district may recover
the amount of the assessment with 10% interest on the same from
the date of the assessment and costs.

Sec. 22. Collection of unpaid rates. There is a lien on real estate
served or benefited by the sewers of the district to secure the
payment of rates, tolls, rents, impact fees, entrance charges and
other charges established and due under this Act. The lien takes
precedence over all other claims on the real estate excepting
only claims for taxes.

The treasurer of the district has full and complete authority
and power to collect the rates, tolls, rents, impact fees,
entrance charges and other charges established under this Act,
and they must be committed to the treasurer. The treasurer may,
after demand for payment, sue in the name of the district in a
civil action for any rate, toll, rent, impact fee, entrance
charge or other charge remaining unpaid in any court of competent
jurisdiction. In addition to other methods established by law
for the collection of rates, tolls, rents, impact fees, entrance
charges and other charges, and without waiver of the right to sue
for the same, the lien created may be enforced in the following
manner. The treasurer, when a rate, toll, rent, impact fee,
entrance charge or other charge has been committed to the
treasurer for collection, may, after the expiration of 3 months
and within one year after the date when the same became due and

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