LD 982
pg. 15
Page 14 of 22 An Act To Revise the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer District Page 16 of 22
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LR 818
Item 1

to the aggregate of the rates, tolls, rents, impact fees and
entrance charges so as to produce revenue at least sufficient,
together with any other money available to produce revenue, to:

1. Pay the current expenses of operating and maintaining the
sewerage, drainage and treatment system of the district;

2. Pay the principal of and premium if any and interest on
all bonds and notes issued by the district as they become due and

3. Create and maintain such reserves as may be required by
the trustees or any trust agreement or resolution securing bonds
and notes;

4. Provide funds for paying the cost of all necessary
repairs, replacements and renewals of the sewerage, drainage and
treatment systems of the district;

5. Payment of obligations. Pay or provide for any amounts
that the district may be obligated to pay or provide for by law
or contract, including any resolution or contract with or for the
benefit of the holders of its bonds and notes; and

6. Provide revenue in order to pay all or part of the present
or projected cost to improve, enlarge or expand the district's
system, including payment of interest accruing on any
indebtedness for such purposes.

Sec. 18. Assessments. When the district formed under this Act has
constructed and completed a common sewer, the trustees may, in
order to defray a portion of the expense of the construction of a
sewer, determine what lots or parcels of land are benefited by
the sewer and estimate and assess upon the lots and parcels of
land, and against the owners of the lots and parcels of land, or
person in possession or against whom taxes are assessed, whether
the person to whom the assessment is made is the owner, tenant,
lessee or agent and whether the same is occupied or not, a sum
not exceeding the benefit as the trustees may determine just and
equitable towards defraying the expense of constructing and
completing the sewer, together with such sewage disposal units
and appurtenances as may be necessary. The assessments may not
exceed the cost of the sewer and sewage disposal units. The
trustees shall file with the clerk of the district the location
of the sewer and sewage disposal unit, with a profile description
of the same, a statement of the amount assessed upon each lot or
parcel of land so assessed, a description of each lot or parcel
and the name of the owner of the lots or parcels of land or
person against whom the assessment

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