LD 982
pg. 13
Page 12 of 22 An Act To Revise the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer District Page 14 of 22
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LR 818
Item 1

bonds, the expenses of redeeming the bonds being refunded and such
reserves for debt service or other capital or current expenses from
the proceeds of such refunding bonds as may be required by a trust
agreement or resolution securing bonds. The issuance of refunding
bonds, the maturities and other details of the refunding bonds, the
security for refunding the bonds, the rights of the holders of the
refunding bonds and the rights, duties and obligations of the
district in respect of the same are governed by the applicable
provisions of this section relating to the issuance of bonds other
than refunding bonds.

8. All bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued
under this Act, their transfer and the income from the bonds,
notes or other evidences of indebtedness, including any profit
made on the sale of bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, must at all times be free from taxation within the

Sec. 16. Certain bond issues; special meeting; vote. If the trustees vote to
authorize bonds or notes for any of the corporate purposes of the
sewer district, excluding notes payable within one year, notes in
anticipation of bonds authorized pursuant to this Act, notes in
anticipation of the revenues to be collected or received in any
year and notes in anticipation of the receipt of approved federal
or state grants, the authorized amount of which singly or in
aggregate included in any one financing is $150,000 or more, the
trustees must call a special district meeting for the purpose of
permitting the collection of testimony from the public concerning
the purpose and the amount of debt so authorized. Notice of the
special district meeting, stating the approximate amount of the
debt and the purpose for which it is being issued, must be
published not less than 7 full days prior to the date of the
meeting in a newspaper having general circulation in the district
and must be mailed to each ratepayer in the district not later
than the date of the publication. A debt may not be incurred
under the vote of the trustees until the expiration of 7 full
days following the date of the special district meeting.

Except for debt to fund that part of any project that has been
approved for grant financing by the State Government or Federal
Government to meet the requirements of the United States Clean
Water Act and the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, chapter 12,
including any related facilities not eligible for that financing
but essential to the operation of the approved project as an
integral system, for debts in excess of the amount specified in
this section, the following petition and referendum procedure
applies. If, on or before the 7th day following the date of the
special district meeting, a petition signed by at

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