LD 973
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LD 973 Title Page An Act To Make Certain Changes in the Laws Concerning the Family Division of Di... Page 2 of 4
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LR 1810
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 4 MRSA §183, as amended by PL 2003, c. 688, Pt. C, §1 and
c. 689, Pt. B, §6, is further amended to read:

§183. Family Division of District Court

There is established within the District Court a Family
Division that has jurisdiction over family matters filed in
District Court. The Family Division shall provide a system of
justice that is responsive to the needs of families and the
support of their children. The Supreme Judicial Court may adopt
administrative orders and court rules governing the practice,
procedure and administration of the Family Division. These
practices and procedures must include, but are not limited to,
education for the parties, case management and referral services
to mediation and other alternate dispute resolution techniques.

1. Family law magistrates. The Chief Judge of the District
Court, with the approval of the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Judicial Court, shall employ family case management officers law
magistrates. In selecting family case management officers law
magistrates, the Chief Judge shall give proper consideration to
achieving statewide geographical representation in the Family

A. Family case management officers law magistrates must be
members of the Bar of this State and must have experience in
the area of family law. Other qualifications may include
interest, training or experience in mediation and other
alternate dispute resolution techniques, domestic violence,
child development, family dynamics and case management.

B. Family case management officers law magistrates shall
devote themselves solely to the official duties of the
position. They Family law magistrates may not engage in the
private practice of law or in any employment, occupation or
business interfering with or inconsistent with the discharge
of their duties. The Chief Judge of the District Court
shall determine the salary salaries of the family case
management officers law magistrates.

C. Family case management officers law magistrates are
governed by the Maine Code of Judicial Conduct. Family case
management officers law magistrates serve at the pleasure of
the Chief Judge of the District Court.

D. Family case management officers law magistrates shall
employ appropriate case management techniques and have
jurisdiction to hear and dispose of the following matters:

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