LD 888
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LD 888 Title Page An Act To Require Health Insurers and Health Maintenance Organizations To Issue... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §4311-A is enacted to read:

§4311-A. Uniform prescription drug benefit information card

1. Uniform information required. A carrier that issues a
health plan that includes coverage for prescription drugs shall
issue to its enrollees at the time of enrollment a card or other
medium containing uniform standardized prescription drug
information in a format approved by the superintendent.__The
carrier shall issue a revised card upon any change in the
enrollee's information or other data included on the card.

2. Minimum standards. At a minimum, a uniform prescription
drug benefit card must contain the following information:

A.__The card issuer's name or logo on the front of the card;

B. The enrollee's name and identification displayed on the
front of the card;

C.__The enrollee's group number when required for proper
claims administration;

D.__If applicable, the name and address of the benefits
administrator or other entity responsible for prescription
claims submission; and

E.__Any electronic transaction routing information and other
information required by the carrier, benefits administrator
or other entity to process a prescription claim

3. Alternative format. The uniform prescription drug benefit
information card or technology may be in a format approved by the
National Council for Prescription Drug Programs or its successor
organization if it includes all of the required data fields and
complies with the most recent pharmacy identification card or
technology implementation guide produced by the National Council
for Prescription Drug Programs.

4. Separate card not required. This section does not require a
carrier to issue an identification card separate from any
identification card issued to an enrollee to evidence coverage
under a health plan if the identification card contains the
information required pursuant to subsection 2 or 3.

5. Rules.__The superintendent may adopt rules to implement the
requirements of this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this

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