LD 792
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LD 792 Title Page An Act To Allow Limited Partnerships between Brewers and Wholesalers Page 2 of 2
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LR 819
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 28-A MRSA §707, sub-§4, as repealed and replaced by PL 1987,
c. 342, §42, is amended to read:

4. Certificate of approval holder or Maine manufacturer;
interest in wholesaler or retail license. No Except as provided
in section 1363, subsection 3, a certificate of approval holder
or in-state manufacturer may not have any financial interest,
direct or indirect, in any:

A. Maine wholesale license; or

B. Maine retail license.

Sec. 2. 28-A MRSA §1363, as amended by PL 1997, c. 373, §118, is
further amended to read:

§1363. Manufacture of malt liquor or table wine; credit;

furnishing materials and equipment; limited partnership

1. Certificate of approval holder not interested in wholesale
license. No Except as provided in subsection 3, an officer,
director or stockholder of a corporation which that is the holder
of a manufacturer's certificate of approval may not be
interested, either directly or indirectly, as a director, officer
or stockholder in any other corporation which that holds a
wholesale license.

2. Loans by certificate of approval holder. Except as
provided in paragraphs A and B and subsection 3, no a
manufacturer or certificate of approval holder may not, either
directly or indirectly, loan any money, credit or their
equivalent to any wholesale licensee for equipping, fitting out,
maintaining or conducting, either in whole or in part, a business
establishment where malt liquor or wine is sold.

A. A certificate of approval holder may extend the usual
and customary commercial credit for malt liquor or table
wine sold and delivered.

B. A manufacturer or holder of a certificate of approval
may furnish a wholesale licensee materials and equipment for
the use of the wholesale licensee or the wholesale
licensee's employees, such as:

(1) Painting the wholesale licensee's vehicles;

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