LD 717
pg. 1
LD 717 Title Page An Act To Clarify State Auditor Qualifications Page 2 of 2
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LR 1105
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §241, as amended by PL 1997, c. 516, §1, is further
amended to read:

§241. State Auditor; salary

The State Auditor shall be is the head of the Department of
Audit, as heretofore established. He shall The State Auditor must
be a certified public accountant or a college graduate with not
less than 6 years of experience as a professional accountant or
auditor, including not less than 5 years of auditing experience,
of which not less than 4 years shall have been in a supervisory
capacity or qualified to be certified as a public accountant
pursuant to Title 32, section 12228. He shall The State Auditor
must be elected by the Legislature by a joint ballot of the
Senators and Representatives in convention and shall hold holds
office for a term of 4 years or until his a successor is elected
and qualified. He shall exercise The State Auditor exercises such
powers and perform performs such duties as are set forth in this
chapter. In case If the office of State Auditor shall become
becomes vacant during a period when the Legislature is not in
session, the appointment of a person to fill such vacancy shall
must be made immediately by the President of the Senate or, if
that office be is vacant, by the Speaker of the House, said the
appointed person to hold office until such time as the
Legislature shall meet meets in regular or special session, and
either confirm confirms the appointment of said the person or
choose chooses another person to fill the office during the
unexpired term.

If a person elected to the office of State Auditor is not
qualified as, or has not successfully completed or passed the
examination for, a certified public accountant, public accountant
or certified internal auditor at the time of election and fails
to become so qualified within 9 months of being sworn into
office, as required by section 242, that person may no longer
serve as State Auditor and is ineligible for reelection by the
same Legislature and the office of State Auditor is deemed

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §242, as amended by PL 1987, c. 802, §§1 and 2, is
further amended to read:

§242. Organization; deputy

The Department of Audit shall must be organized in the manner
the State Auditor may deem considers best suited to the
accomplishment of its functions. It shall must have such
auditors, assistants and employees as the State Auditor may
require, but they shall be are subject to the Civil Service Law.

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