LD 710
pg. 1
LD 710 Title Page An Act To Require Notice of Clinical Trials LD 710 Title Page
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LR 2041
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 34-B MRSA §3011 is enacted to read:

§3011.__Clinical trials

Beginning January 1, 2006, a manufacturer of pharmaceutical
drugs or a research organization or other health organization
that sponsors a clinical trial of a pharmaceutical drug,
treatment option or medical device and that enrolls as a
participant in the trial a person who is receiving mental health
treatment at a state mental health institute, as described in
section 3201, at a community or specialty hospital if that
treatment is fully or partially reimbursed with state funds, or
at a juvenile or adult correctional facility shall notify the
Executive Director of Dirigo Health established under Title 24-A,
chapter 87 prior to beginning the clinical trial.__The Executive
Director of Dirigo Health shall report by February 1st each year
to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health and human services matters regarding the
notifications received for the prior calendar year under this


Beginning January 1, 2006, this bill requires a manufacturer
of pharmaceutical drugs or a research organization or other
health organization that sponsors a clinical trial of a
pharmaceutical drug, treatment option or medical device and that
enrolls as a participant in the trial a person who is receiving
mental health treatment at a state mental health institute, as
defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 34-B, section 3201,
at a community or specialty hospital if that treatment is fully
or partially reimbursed with state funds, or at a juvenile or
adult correctional facility to notify the Executive Director of
Dirigo Health prior to beginning the clinical trial. The bill
requires annual reports from the executive director regarding
notifications of clinical trials.

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