LD 686
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act To Amend the Maine Consumer Credit Code - Credit Services Organizations ... LD 686 Title Page
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LR 654
Item 1

3. A civil action, by the administrator through the Attorney
General, after which a court may assess a civil penalty of not more
than $5,000;

4. A civil action by an aggrieved consumer in which that
consumer has the right to recover actual damages from the credit
services organization loan broker in an amount determined by the
court, plus costs of the action together with reasonable
attorney's fees; and

5. Revocation, suspension or nonrenewal of its registration
pursuant to section 2-303 license.


This bill changes the title of the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 9-A, article 10 from "Maine Consumer Credit Code - Credit
Services Organizations" to "Maine Consumer Credit Code - Loan
Brokers." It enhances regulation of loan brokers. It changes
references to "credit services organization" to "loan broker," a
descriptive term better understood by the industry and consumers.
It also changes the state application process from a registration
process to a licensure process and from an annual application to
a biennial application. Because the current $10,000 bond has
proven inadequate to cover losses caused by loan brokers in
several cases in 2004, the bill increases the surety bond to
$25,000. To improve accountability, the bill requires that
license numbers appear in print advertising placed by a loan
broker. Finally, this bill permits regulators to follow the lead
of most other states by establishing a system of continuing
education, so that loan brokers will be more knowledgeable in
serving consumers.

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