LD 686
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act To Amend the Maine Consumer Credit Code - Credit Services Organizations ... Page 6 of 7
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LR 654
Item 1

business, pending completion of services offered. With respect to
credit services organizations loan brokers offering to arrange for
or obtain extensions of credit for consumers, or provide advice or
assistance therefor to arrange for or obtain extensions of credit,
"completion of services offered" means procurement of credit under
the terms agreed to by the parties.

Sec. 7. 9-A MRSA §10-302, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 70, §3, is
amended to read:

Each agreement between a consumer and a credit services
organization shall loan broker must be in writing, dated, and
signed by the consumer and shall must include the following:

Sec. 8. 9-A MRSA §10-302, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 70, §3, is
amended to read:

2. The terms and conditions of payment, including the total
of all payments to be made by the consumer for the service,
whether to the credit services organization loan broker or to
some other person; and

Sec. 9. 9-A MRSA §10-303, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 70, §3, is
amended to read:

Before any agreement is entered into, or before any money is
paid by a consumer, whichever occurs first, the credit services
organization loan broker shall provide the consumer with written
disclosure of material consumer protections, including the

Sec. 10. 9-A MRSA §10-304, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 70, §3, is
amended to read:

§10-304. Advertising

1. No credit services organization A loan broker may not
engage in this State in false or misleading advertising
concerning the terms and conditions of any services or assistance

2. This section imposes no liability on the owner or
personnel of any medium in which an advertisement appears or
through which it is disseminated.

3.__A loan broker shall include its license number in all
print advertising in this State.

Sec. 11. 9-A MRSA §10-305, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 70, §3, is
amended to read:

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