LD 622
pg. 1
LD 622 Title Page An Act To Provide Funding towards the Employment of a Demersal Finfish Ecologis... LD 622 Title Page
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LR 2070
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and
allocations are made.


Bureau of Resource Management 0027

Initiative: Appropriates funds for annual grants to the Gulf of
Maine Research Institute to be used to employ a demersal finfish
ecologist with the goal of establishing a research partnership
between the department and the institute. These funds are
intended to cover the department's share of all salary, benefits
and operational costs and will be used only if matched on a one-
to-one basis by the institute. The Commissioner of Marine
Resources is authorized to participate in the selection process
used to fill this position and in the development of an annual
research plan.

GENERAL FUND2005-062006-07

All Other$100,000$100,000


GENERAL FUND TOTAL$100,000$100,000


This bill appropriates funds for the Department of Marine
Resources to use to pay for its share of the costs of a demersal
finfish ecologist to be employed by the Gulf of Maine Research

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