LD 557
pg. 1
LD 557 Title Page An Act To Provide Relief from the Cost of Rescue Services to Certain Communitie... LD 557 Title Page
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LR 318
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §461 is enacted to read:

§461.__State reimbursement for costs of rescue services supported

by communities with populations of less than 200

The State shall reimburse communities with populations of less
than 200 that have no Interstate 95 exit within the town limits
of that town for those communities' costs of providing fire,
ambulance or other rescue services for accidents that occur on
Interstate 95.


This bill requires the State to reimburse communities of fewer
than 200 people that have no Interstate 95 exit within the town
limits of that town for those communities' costs of providing
fire, ambulance or other rescue services for accidents that occur
on Interstate 95. This reimbursement is both for communities
whose own services are dispatched to the accident and for
communities that do not have their own services but help pay for
services dispatched from other communities.

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