LD 529
pg. 1
LD 529 Title Page An Act To Allow Vehicles Owned by Sanitary or Sewer Districts To Use Municipal ... LD 529 Title Page
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LR 1322
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §517, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2003, c. 490, Pt. D,
§2, is further amended to read:

2. Plates. The Secretary of State shall issue distinctive
plates that expire at the end of a 6-year period for state plates
and a 10-year period for municipal plates within the
semipermanent plate program. Notwithstanding section 501,
subsection 11, the Secretary of State shall issue distinctive
municipal plates under this subsection to a low-speed vehicle
owned by a municipality or loaned by a dealer to a municipality.
Vehicles owned by the State may display a marker or insignia,
approved by the Secretary of State, plainly designating them as
owned by the State.

The Secretary of State may issue environmental registration
plates to a state-owned vehicle assigned to the Department of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife or the Department of Conservation
with authorization from the department's commissioner. The
Secretary of State may issue environmental registration plates to
a state-owned vehicle assigned to the Baxter State Park Authority
with authorization from the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife in the commissioner's capacity as a member of the Baxter
State Park Authority. A state-owned vehicle issued environmental
registration plates must display a marker or insignia designating
the vehicle as state-owned and is exempt from registration fees
and the contribution under section 455, subsection 4.

The Secretary of State shall issue municipal plates for a vehicle
owned by a sanitary or sewer district.


This bill requires the Secretary of State to issue municipal
plates for a vehicle owned by a sanitary or sewer district.

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