LD 508
pg. 41
Page 40 of 41 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... LD 508 Title Page
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LR 2172
Item 1

of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to support costs associated with
the transfer of the MOSES program from MCI to the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Information

2. It requires the State Controller to transfer $248,501 from
the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to the Savings
Fund General Fund account in the Department of Inland Fisheries
and Wildlife.


Part L authorizes the State Controller to engage through sole
source contracts auditors, accountants and investigators as the
State Controller considers necessary for special audits,
financial audits and investigations to monitor and ensure
adherence to contracts and to ensure proper financial controls.


Part M maintains current Medicaid eligibility criteria for
disabled persons, which require the person's income to be equal
to or below 100% of the poverty line.

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