LD 394
pg. 21
Page 20 of 21 An Act To Create a High-risk Pool in the Health Insurance Market LD 394 Title Page
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LR 516
Item 1


This bill creates the Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool
Association. The purpose of the association is to spread the cost
of high-risk individuals among all health insurers. The bill
funds the high-risk pool through an assessment on insurers. An
individual insured through the high-risk pool may be charged a
premium up to 150% of the average premium rates charged by
carriers for similar health insurance plans. The bill requires
the State to submit an application to the Federal Government for
federal assistance to create a high-risk pool.

The bill also broadens the community rating laws to allow
carriers to vary premiums on the basis of age within a maximum
rate differential on a ratio of 4 to one and on the basis of
health status and tobacco use within a maximum rate differential
on a ratio of 1.5 to one. The bill also removes the guaranteed
issuance requirement for individual health plans, effective
October 1, 2005.

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