LD 301
pg. 3
Page 2 of 7 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Committee To Study Compliance wi... Page 4 of 7
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LR 113
Item 1

integrity of the freedom of access laws and their underlying

E.__Shall serve as an adviser to the Legislature when
legislation affecting public access is considered;

F.__May conduct public hearings, conferences, workshops and
other meetings to obtain information about, discuss,
publicize the needs of and consider solutions to problems
concerning access to public proceedings and records;

G.__May submit legislation to the Legislature at the start
of each legislative session; and

I.__May undertake other activities consistent with its

7.__Funding.__The committee is authorized to seek, accept and
expend outside sources of funding to carry out the committee's

8.__Reimbursement for expenses.__Members are entitled to
reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses related to travel
to and from committee meetings when the expenses are approved by
the chair and submitted to the Executive Director of the
Legislative Council.

9.__No compensation.__The members of the committee receive no
compensation for their services.

10.__Staffing.__Upon approval of the Legislative Council, the
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide necessary
staffing services to the committee.__In addition, the committee
may contract for administrative, professional and clerical
services if funding permits.

11.__Report.__By January 15, 2006 and at least annually
thereafter, the committee shall report to the Governor, the
Legislative Council, the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary matters and the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court about the state of
the freedom of access laws and the public's access to public
proceedings and records.

Sec. 2. 3 MRSA §163-A, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 501, Pt. B,
§5, is amended to read:

7. Committee assistance. To provide assistance with
research, analysis and, bill drafting assistance for and review
of exceptions to public records to joint standing or select

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