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LR 2170
Item 1

Sec. A-10. 20-A MRSA §1407, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 75, §3,
is further amended to read:

2. Expense of keeping the school open. If the voters vote to
keep the school open, the member municipality is liable for some
additional expense for actual local operating costs and
transportation operating costs as defined in section 15603 15672.
The determination of costs is subject to the approval of the
commissioner. The cost to be borne by the town voting to keep an
elementary school open is the amount that would be saved if the
school were closed. Any additional costs that must be borne by
the member municipality must be part of the article presented to
the voters at the meeting to determine whether the school should
remain open.

Sec. A-11. 20-A MRSA §1701, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1991, c. 429, §4,
is further amended to read:

3. Time and place. The district school committee shall call
an annual budget meeting on or before June 30th at an hour and in
a location within the community school district it designates,
except that the school committee may delay the annual budget
meeting to a date after July 1st in accordance with section 15617
15693, subsection 2, paragraph C.

Sec. A-12. 20-A MRSA §1701, sub-§9, ķA, as amended by PL 1999, c. 710,
§8, is further amended to read:

A. The budget format may be determined by the voters of a
community school district by adoption of an appropriate
warrant article at a properly called election held in
accordance with the procedure set forth in section 15617
15693, subsection 6.

Sec. A-13. 20-A MRSA §1701, sub-§12, as amended by PL 1999, c. 710,
§10, is further amended to read:

12. State-local allocations. To summarize the action taken
on the budget for the purposes of determining the community
school district's state-local allocations, the articles
prescribed in chapter 606 606-B must also be voted on.

Sec. A-14. 20-A MRSA §1701-B, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 710,
§11, is amended to read:

5. Failure to approve budget. If the voters do not validate
the budget approved in the district budget meeting at the budget
validation referendum vote, the district school committee shall
hold another district budget meeting in accordance with section
1701, subsection 8 at least 10 days after

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