LD 179
pg. 1
LD 179 Title Page An Act To Exempt Alternative Power Systems from Property Taxes LD 179 Title Page
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LR 385
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §501, sub-§11 is enacted to read:

11.__Alternative power system.__"Alternative power system"
means a power production system with a capacity that does not
exceed 100 megawatts and that relies on fuel cells, tidal power,
solar arrays and installations, wind power installations,
geothermal installations, hydroelectric generators, biomass
generators or generators fueled by municipal solid waste in
conjunction with recycling.

Sec. 2. 36 MRSA §551, as amended by PL 1975, c. 252, §14, is
further amended to read:

§551. Real estate; defined

Real estate, for the purposes of taxation, shall include
includes all lands in the State and all buildings, mobile homes
and other things affixed to the same lands, such as, but not
limited to, camp trailers, together with the water power, shore
privileges and rights, forests and mineral deposits appertaining
thereto; interests and improvements in land, the fee of which is
in the State; interests by contract or otherwise in real estate
exempt from taxation; and lines of electric light and power
companies. Buildings, mobile homes and other things affixed to
the land, on leased land or on land not owned by the owner of the
buildings, shall be are considered real estate for purposes of
taxation and shall be are taxed in the place where said the land
is located. Mobile homes, except stock in trade, shall be are
considered real estate for purposes of taxation. An improvement
to real estate related to the operation of an alternative power
system is exempt from taxation under this subchapter.

Sec. 3. Application. This Act applies to property tax years
beginning on or after April 1, 2006.


This bill exempts alternative power systems, including solar,
wind and hydroelectric generators, from property tax.

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