LD 164
pg. 1
LD 164 Title Page An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Signs at Service Stations LD 164 Title Page
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LR 664
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA §1661 is amended to read:

§1661. Deception as to price prohibited

Every retail dealer in internal combustion engine fuel
advertising the price of such engine fuel on any sign shall
include in the price shown on such sign all taxes imposed with
respect to the manufacture or sale of the motor fuel offered for
sale, and every such sign shall must either contain a statement
of the taxes included in said price, or, without specifying the
amount thereof, shall must state that such taxes are included in
said price. All figures, including fractions, upon said signs,
other than figures and fractions used in any price computing
mechanism constituting a part of any pump or dispensing device,
shall must be of the same size. A digital or electronic sign
that otherwise satisfies the requirements of this section is in
compliance with this section.

Sec. 2. 10 MRSA §1661-B, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 83, §2, is
amended to read:

1. Posting required. A retail seller of fuel to be used by
vehicles on public highways shall post the price on each pump of
the fuel available at that pump by a sign no less than 64 square
inches and in a manner that is clearly visible to a driver
approaching the pump. On multi-grade pumps, the posted price
shall must be for the lowest priced unleaded regular gasoline.
The sign should indicate the difference in price for full-
service, mini-service and self-service if more than one grade of
service is available at that pump. A digital or electronic sign
that otherwise satisfies the requirements of this section is in
compliance with this section.


This bill allows retail sellers of gasoline to use digital or
electronic signs to post price information for gasoline.

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