LD 130
pg. 21
Page 20 of 22 An Act To Establish a Single-payor Health Care System Page 22 of 22
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LR 241
Item 1

appliances, medical supplies and equipment and hospice care.
Health care services under the Maine Health Care Plan are provided
by participating providers in organized delivery systems and
through the open plan, which is available to all providers. The
plan is supplemental to other health care programs that may be
available to plan members, such as Medicare, Medicaid, the federal
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, the
federal Indian Health Care Improvement Act and workers'

It establishes the Maine Health Care Agency to administer and
oversee the Maine Health Care Plan, to act under the direction of
the Maine Health Care Council and to administer and oversee the
Maine Health Care Trust Fund. The Maine Health Care Council is
the decision-making and directing council for the agency and is
composed of 3 full-time appointees.

It directs the Maine Health Care Agency to establish programs
to ensure quality, affordability, efficiency of care and health
planning. The agency health planning program includes the
establishment of global budgets for health care expenditures for
the State and for institutions and hospitals. The health
planning program also encompasses the certificate of need
responsibilities of the agency pursuant to the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 22, chapter 103-A and the health planning
responsibilities pursuant to Title 2, chapter 5.

It contains a directive to the State Controller to advance
$400,000 to the Maine Health Care Trust Fund on the effective
date, January 1, 2006. This amount must be repaid by the Maine
Health Care Agency by June 30, 2007.

2. Part B of the bill establishes the Maine Health Care Plan
Transition Advisory Committee. Composed of 20 members, appointed
and subject to confirmation, the committee is charged with
holding public hearings, soliciting public comments and advising
the Maine Health Care Agency on the transition from the current
health care system to the Maine Health Care Plan. Members of the
committee serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for
their expenses. The committee is directed to report to the
Governor and to the Legislature on July 1, 2006, January 1, 2007,
July 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007. The committee completes its
work on December 31, 2007.

3. Part C of the bill establishes the salaries of the members
of the Maine Health Care Council and the executive director of
the Maine Health Care Agency.

4. Part D of the bill prohibits the sale on the commercial
market of health insurance policies and contracts that duplicate

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