LD 105
pg. 1
LD 105 Title Page An Act To Amend the Laws Pertaining to Temporary Guardianship Page 2 of 2
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LR 373
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 18-A MRSA §5-310-A, sub-§(a), as enacted by PL 1993, c. 652,
§3, is amended to read:

(a) When a person alleged to be incapacitated has no guardian
and an emergency exists and no other person appears to have
authority to act in the circumstances, upon appropriate petition
and notice to the person alleged to be incapacitated, the court
may exercise the power of a guardian or may enter an ex parte
order appointing a temporary guardian to address the emergency.
A petition for temporary guardianship must be accompanied by an
affidavit that sets forth the factual basis for the emergency and
the specific powers requested by the proposed guardian, including
any power to consent to medication of the incapacitated person.
In the order and in the letters of temporary guardianship, the
court shall specify the powers and duties of the temporary
guardian whom the court has found to be qualified for the
particular situation of the incapacitated person, limiting the
powers and duties to those necessary to address the emergency and
providing to the incapacitated person, to the greatest extent
possible, power to control visitation of the incapacitated person
with family and friends. In any proceeding under this subsection,
the person alleged to be incapacitated has the right to retained
or appointed counsel.

Sec. 2. 18-A MRSA §5-310-A, sub-§(a-1), as amended by PL 1997, c. 35,
§1, is further amended to read:

(a-1) If the court takes action to exercise the powers of a
guardian or to appoint a temporary guardian under subsection (a),
then the court, within 2 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and
legal holidays, of taking the action, shall appoint a visitor or
a guardian ad litem whom the court has found to be qualified for
the particular situation of the incapacitated person to visit the
allegedly incapacitated person and make a report to the court
within 10 5 days of the appointment of the visitor or guardian ad
litem. The visitor or guardian ad litem shall serve the
allegedly incapacitated person with a copy of the order
appointing the temporary guardian and shall explain the meaning
and consequences of the appointment. The visitor or guardian ad
litem shall inquire of the allegedly incapacitated person whether
that person wishes to contest any aspect of the temporary
guardianship or seek any limitation of the temporary guardian's
powers. The visitor or guardian ad litem shall advise the
allegedly incapacitated person of that person's right to contest
the temporary guardianship by requesting a hearing under
subsection (b) and shall advise the allegedly incapacitated
person of that person's right to be represented in the proceeding
by counsel of that person's own choice or by counsel appointed by

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