LD 72
pg. 1
LD 72 Title Page An Act To Promote Sound Science in Climate Change Policy LD 72 Title Page
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LR 273
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA §579 is enacted to read:

§579.__Rules designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

When adopting rules designed to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, the department shall issue an estimate, calculated
using sound scientific information and methods, of:

1.__Reduction in global warming.__The amount of global warming
that will be prevented by the reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions; and

2.__Costs.__The costs associated with the reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions, including the impact on the prices of
gasoline, diesel fuel, electricity, heating oil and propane.


This bill requires that, when the Department of Environmental
Protection adopts rules designed to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, the department must issue an estimate of the amount of
global warming that will be prevented and the costs that will
result from the rules requiring reduction in greenhouse gas

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